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Home/中文 (中国)/小黄人主题套餐


快拨打热线电话 65696992 或联系Yolanda 81606622 了解更多详情!





价格:原价 $1600 现在只要 $850

工作人员: 4位

时间: 2小时

宝宝人数: 20 位

nautical themed backdrop


- 2米长x3米宽以小黄人主题为背景的照相区 (2小时的租借时间)
- 50 个精美的蓝白空气气球
- 1对1.6米蓝白主题气球柱!


party music

2. 派对音乐

- 出租两个小时蓝牙音乐播放器(若地点是普通大小的活动室/客厅,建议您使用蓝牙音乐播放器。若地点是较大的酒店活动室/餐厅,建议您使用他们的音乐系统。我们也欢迎您聘请我们专门为户外活动订购的音乐系统。)
- 最全的派对音乐供您选择!
- 最棒的派对气氛!

nautical themed birthday party singapore

3. 人手一只的小黄人眼镜

– 所有的孩子都可以获得一只定制小黄人眼镜!

– 孩子们可以把眼镜带回家!

nautical themed birthday party singapore

4. 吉祥物

– 1个可爱的吉祥物!

– 吉祥物会出现1个小时

– 与客人们拍照互动!

– 和小朋友们玩游戏!

5. 特制气球

– 2小时自由特制气球活动!

– 欢迎询问我们专业的气球艺术家任何问题!

– 大人们也可以参加!

– 可以请求换成其他活动!(扎辫子/闪光纹身)

face painting

6. 高级脸部彩绘!

– 持续2小时的面部 或 手臂彩绘!所有人都可以参加!

– 大人们也可加入活动!

– 我们用的彩绘材料全部从英国进口,无毒无污!

– 可以请求换成其他活动!(扎辫子/闪光纹身)

games and fun

7. 有趣炫酷的游戏!

– 45 分钟的游戏时间,与我们的派对主持人一同度过!

– 总共可选5个精彩游戏!(马铃薯袋子游戏、降落伞、凌波舞、捉人游戏以及更多)

– 我们会为您提供所有游戏道具和背景音乐!

game prizes

8. 好礼送不停!

– 所有参与派对的小朋友们都可以获得一个定制礼包!

– 游戏赢家更有机会获得3大奖品!

cake cutting cermeony

9. 切蛋糕仪式

– 我们将聚集所有客人,然后为您主持切蛋糕仪式!

– 我们将播放生日快乐歌!您也可以提前向我们申请换成其他您喜欢的歌曲!

– 我们会给您提供打火机!


10. 所有布置和运输全包!

– 请让我们为您分忧解难!

– 派对盟主团队将提前一个半小时进入会场为派对进行装扮!

11. 最简单方便的预订!!

– 热线电话: 90021778

– 电子邮件: [email protected]/[email protected]



a) 每添加一个儿童,需额外支付$ 15。
b) 自定礼盒 ($5-$10),取决于物品种类。*请致电65696992/65696998 了解更多详情
c) 您也可申请更高级的气球柱或气球拱门!拨打热线电话65696992/65696998了解更多详情!
d) 专业摄影服务:$280 (2小时),$400(3小时)*图片将被美化,并为您烧制作一张CD,将会在活动结束后1周邮寄给您。如果您想要把图片储存在U盘,请另外支付$ 8。

Terms and conditions

All prices stated are subjected to 7% gst, unless otherwise stated
All prices quoted are in Singapore Dollars (SGD).
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm the event
Breakage and damages to any equipments will be charged to customer accordingly.
All cheques are made payable to PARTYMOJO PTE LTD.
Deposit can be made via bank transfer to DBS current Acc 003-932293-3 Branch code: 7171-003
All prices are strictly fixed and non-negotiable.
A transport surcharge of $30 is applicable for inaccessible venues like Changi, Tuas, Sentosa, Turf city.
The balance 50% payment is to be made in cash strictly on event day before the start of event.
In the event that cash payment cannot be prepared before the start of event, 100% full payment should be made to PartyMojo 3 working days prior to the event.
50% Deposit will be forfeited upon cancellation of event, 100% full payment will be required if the event was cancelled within 2 working days to the event.
Postponing of event is subjected to a $100 surcharge, subjected to availability, otherwise, client can choose to cancel the event and deposit paid will be forfeited.
Postponing of event can only be done 2 working days prior to the party.

Party is for 20 kids only, for extra kids, please top up $15 / kid to receive the goodie bags and tiaras/crowns. Clients are advised to top up for additional kids to avoid disappointment.
Duration of party is maximum 2 hours, excluding set up time.
For extension of total event time which requires PartyMojo staffs to stay on the event, not including extension charges of services, it is charged at $30 – $50 / 30 mins for extensions told to us 5 working days in advance, subjected to availability.
Extension of games: $100 for 30 mins
Extension of face painting: $80 for 30 mins, $100 for 60 mins
Extension of balloon sculpting: $80 for 30 mins, $120 for 60 mins
Extension of backdrop rental: $30 for 30 mins
Extension of event time / activities are solely subjected to partymojo’s availability.
Extension prices are strictly non-negotiable.
Total set up time for the packages will strictly be for 1 – 1.5 hrs only, in which PartyMojo staffs will be putting up the 50 non-helium balloon decoration, backdrop, balloon columns, minion gogggles, table cloth, goodie bags. PartyMojo staffs will not be responsible for putting up client’s own decoration during set up time.
In the case that PartyMojo has to add on an extra manpower due to special request, it is chargeable at $50/hr.
For extension of services, please check with PartyMojo sales team the extension charges applicable.
PartyMojo will not be responsible for teardown of balloon decorations for any packages.
PartyMojo will not be liable for cleaning up of any mess created by the activities / party guests.







